
My name is Samantha Taylor, mom of Jake (middle), who was born deaf. I wanted to create a one-stop-shop for parents, individuals, and businesses full of resources and connection. If you see anything that is inaccurate/incomplete or have an awesome resource to share, please contact me here. I want to share your stories, as well. This is open to anyone and everyone who is connected to the Deaf community either directly or through a loved one. Please feel free to submit your story here via written text or video.
In 2008, I welcomed who I lovingly call my “undergrad surprise”. I was 21-years-old with a newborn and no clue what I was doing. Not only was I coming up against all the typical twists and turns of motherhood but also the fact that my newborn was deaf. I had never even met a deaf person and now I’m expected to raise one?
Through my son and our experiences, I learned about the world of IEPs, advocacy, empowerment, and thriving. Because of him, I went to grad school at Ithaca College and received a Master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology.
Fast forward 14 years later, through Deaf Empowerment & Advocacy Foundation, my son and I now work with families and individuals navigating the unknown and helping empower them to tackle the obstacles they may come across.